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Associate Professor Anthony M George B.Sc(Hons); MSc; PhD - Director/Inventor

Graduated with a PhD from Sydney University (1981). Postdoctoral fellowships at Tufts University Medical School (Boston; 1981-83) and The John Curtain School of Medical Research (ANU; 1984-86). He has been at UTS as a tenured academic since August 1986.

A/P George work has received prestigious invitations to give keynote talks at international meetings, including Gordon Research Conferences at Oxford, 2005, and Galveston 2011 (as Vice-Chair) and in Switzerland (as Chair). He has given several talks, including the final Perspectives address, at FEBS ABC Meetings, held at Innsbruck every two years, from 2006-20. In 2014, he was invited to join the 

Scientific Advisory Board of the FEBS ABC Meetings. He was one of only 12 international invitees presenting at the BioInvestor Forum in San Francisco (Oct 2016), on Methods to ameliorate mesothelioma and asbestosis.

During his career, A/P George has published trailblazing studies and many scholarly reviews in high impact journals such as Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, Crit Rev Mol Cell Biol, Trend Biochem Sci. He has supervised many Honours, Masters, and PhDs, postdoctoral fellows, and has a Research Associate of long standing for his mainstream ABC transporter research. Total research funding and fellowships for all projects exceeds $5m. He has been an Associate Editor of three journals and has reviewed several hundred manuscripts, and national and international fellowships and project proposal over the past two decades. He has published 71 papers and was editor of a book ABC Transporters – 40 Years On (Springer; Jan 2016).

In the new project ‘Ameliorating Mesothelioma and Asbestosis', taken up since 2011 and the subject of this Bio-Latem P/L profile, he has four publications and with his co-inventor, patents in the USA, Europe, and Australia.

Jason Ravasini BMedSc - Director/Inventor 


From his early childhood, Jason has had a keen interest in all things mechanical and electrical.  At school, his nickname was 'MacGyver' because of his ability to fix anything.  Jason left school at 16 years of age to undertake an apprenticeship as a motor mechanic.  Once he completed his apprenticeship, Jason opened his own workshop in Sydney where he specialised in fuel systems and automotive electronics.


In 2004, Jason's 3 year old son was diagnosed with a severe form of autism.  As a result, in 2006, Jason was accepted as a mature age student to undertake a Bachelor of Medical Science degree at the University of Technology, Sydney in an attempt to learn more about the human body so he could understand his son's condition.


During Jason's time at university, he met Associate Professor Anthony George and from time to time, the pair would have conversations about incurable medical conditions.  Slowly these conversations progressed to further investigation of the science surrounding the concepts and soon developed into a research project headed by Associate Professor George, which eventually resulted in patents being granted.


Since then, Jason has been named in two publications with co-inventor Associate Professor George and patents have been secured by the inventors in the USA, Europe and Australia.

Jason has been a shareholder director of Bio-Latem Technologies P/L since the company was formed.


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